It is finally here, I would like to apologize for the long wait. We have ran into some problems with music rights, however I just got off the phone from the distributor. With some good news, the copies will be back to my house in 5-7 days which means we start shipping in 5-7 days!! Even better news than that, for making everyone wait so long if you pre order a copy in the next 5 days you will only have to pay $15 dollars for the movie rather than the MSRP of $20. In 5 days Ill be taking down this link to buy the video for 15 and will make a new one for 20! The link is the google check out button right below the disc image, So pre order the video while you can and save 5 dollars.
We're Just Skiing, An all winch film, produced by 420 Films
Run length is 45 minutes with over an hour of bonus footage
Until you receive your copy be sure to enjoy this new little teaser to hold you off.
siic im ordering